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Articles tagged Belo (18)

For years, the corporate talk was all about synergy — local newspapers and local TV stations as part of the same media companies. Now the battles will be fought as standalone entities.
For decades, newspapers moved from local ownership to nationwide chains. Now, the shift is in the other direction — with the help of your friendly neighborhood billionaire.
Newspaper companies made a smart move in the 1990s investing in online auto classifieds. Is selling it off a short-term gain for long-term pain?
Media companies are racing to spin off their declining print businesses. Unfortunately, the way they’re doing so could drag them down further.
The dead-tree business has seen better days, sure. But for some publishers, print is an increasingly powerful part of their revenue strategies.
Was yesterday’s announced Tribune split into broadcast and newspaper companies a way to avoid the Koch brothers, a way to harvest tax savings, or something else?
At America’s top newspaper, the revenue decline has — for now, at least — stopped. But what do the trend lines tell us about how the Times will look in 2016?
If Murdoch’s empire cleaves in two, his newspapers will no longer be able to count on the latest blockbuster to disguise their financial woes.