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Articles tagged Columbia University (20)

“There are commercial reasons why some newsrooms focus on the spectacle and confrontation — the old journalism adage of ‘if it bleeds, it leads’ still prevails in many newsroom decisions…But it is a decision that delegitimizes protest aims.”
Built by researchers at Columbia University’s journalism and engineering schools and launched as an invite-only beta this week, VizPol can currently recognize 52 symbols.
“The amount of effort we’d have to invest into doing these things is completely outweighed by effort it would take for us to just do it with Arc.”
“Part of the reason we took this case on is that we have seen reports from across the country of public officials blocking their constituents on Twitter or Facebook.”
There’s money in marijuana, but is there money in marijuana coverage? (Yes, yes there is.)
“The future is very hard to know, but standards of journalistic accuracy apply to descriptions of the future at least as much as they apply to descriptions of the present, if not more so.”