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Articles tagged community journalism (23)

9 Millones is a publishing and crowdfunding platform for journalists looking to investigate stories about Puerto Rico.
“We work in the membership model more than the subscription model, in that the primary motivation for people to support a journalist on Pactio is the fact that they want your reporting to exist in the first place.”
The head of the Media Consortium argues that, by defining themselves in opposition to mainstream media, independent progressive outlets miss out on the power of ethnic and community journalism.
These Vermonters have more experience than most navigating the challenges of building local community online.
The head of the Urban Reporting Program at CUNY says that to ignore ethnic newspapers is to ignore a set of viable models that could inform the rest of the media business.
In a small town in south Louisiana, two weekly newspapers have battled for more than four decades. Not any longer.
The former editor of Voice of San Diego, now a Knight Fellow at Stanford, wants to rethink how journalists think about and find stories in the community.
The New York Times, backing away from The Local, says it doesn’t make sense to pay its staff to be in the hyperlocal business. Adrienne LaFrance