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Articles tagged digital strategy (6)

Goodbye to Law Blog, China Real Time, India Real Time, Speakeasy, and four others.
“O Law Blog foi pioneiro no Wall Street e fez sucesso imediatamente, atraindo leitores de todos os cantos que se interessam pelo ‘mundo do direito’. Esse sucesso inaugurou uma ‘época de ouro’ dos nossos blogs e encorajou o amplo crescimento da blogosfera sobre o assunto.”
It sees service journalism as a way to build digital revenue and reach an audience interested in advice and recommendations as much as the Times’ criticism and culture coverage.
“The biggest challenge for the FT, we feel, lies not in its transition to digital, which can be achieved with web-savvy staff, but in the transition of the print staff to this ‘post-news’ method.”
July 6, 2010