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Articles tagged engagement (146)

“Casino-driven design is all about reducing friction to participation.”
The Orange County Register is betting on an expanded newsroom and a stronger connection to the community. Will the numbers add up?
The former editor of Voice of San Diego, now a Knight Fellow at Stanford, wants to rethink how journalists think about and find stories in the community.
Across the country, college newspapers are turning into college media companies — and offering more than a few lessons to the pros on how to value both print and apps.
Technology is aiding reporting at both the high and the low ends of the business.
Flipboard screen shot
Users already spend a lot of time in the Flipboard app, and if past data is any indication, audio could keep people “flipping” a lot longer.
Arianna Huffington explains why her site takes an editorial stance: “Because we are clear about where we believe the truth lies, I believe we elicit a richer kind of response from our readers.” Justin Ellis
When NPR shared links to KPLU stories on its Facebook page — only visible to people in the Seattle area — the station’s website got record traffic.
A typical Facebook user is acted upon more than he acts — a smaller cadre of power users do most of the heavy lifting. Justin Ellis