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Articles tagged factchecking (32)

Plus: Surrounding fake news with real news, fake news games, and Kenya faces an election.
Plus: New Omidyar/Soros money for factchecking, changing your mind but not your vote, and lessons from Wikipedia.
“To give them that multitude of facts, voices, and perspectives, you want the UI to disappear and not be a sense of overload or cognitive load on them but just be transparent.”
“Para fornecer um monte de fatos, vozes e perspectivas, você quer que a interface do usuário desapareça e não gere uma sensação de sobrecarga ou carga cognitiva para ele, mas apenas seja transparente.”
El mes pasado Google lanzó una nueva versión de su plataforma Google Noticias, que introduce un diseño más simplificado, destaca el fact-checking y ofrece a los usuarios más posibilidades de personalización.
The crowd-funded news platform aims to combat fake news by combining professional journalism with volunteer fact checking: “news by the people and for the people.”
“Our simple definition, for the purposes of the wiki, is that ‘truth’ is something generally believed by people in a position to know, that are likely to tell the truth.”
“By looking more closely at how fake news moves and mobilizes people, we can develop a richer picture of not only how much it circulates where, but also why it circulates and how it resonates amongst different publics.”