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Articles tagged FOIA (26)

The law itself is likely to stand, but experts expect a surge in requests, longer delays, and more court dates.
“If I was queen for a day, what I would honestly do is fire every journalism professor and hire adjuncts working in the field. That’s, like, my dream.”
The public is being kept out of government meetings, denied responses to record requests, and prevented from learning important facts about COVID-19 response.
“It’s a much better problem to have: How are you going to make those all work together, rather than how are you going to make it work at all.”
“Part of the reason we took this case on is that we have seen reports from across the country of public officials blocking their constituents on Twitter or Facebook.”
“The dream of doing this is to uncover someone that you would not expect to be under FBI surveillance, and discover that they are.”
“I have a love-hate relationship with FOIA.”
“When you work in government, the people are your boss. And the boss has a right to see your work.”