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Articles tagged Google News (93)

“This explains everything about my failed Google searches this week,” one Globe and Mail journalist tweeted.
The money, spread over three years and the entire globe, is welcome — but this is PR, not a product.
“On most days of the week, I’m competing with them.” But when the situation’s right, local news outlets are using one another to augment their own resources.
Like News Corp with Knewz, it’s trying to build its own platform for news, using its own content and work from other news organizations, to compete with the tech giants. “I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger.”
Without a News Feed to scroll through, more people head directly to news sites for their information fix.
The algorithm that ranks content can make some truly strange decisions. What set of signals is Google News looking for?
“I think we need to be way more humble. As I often say, technology has value but it doesn’t have values. It’s what we do with it. There’s a lot of bullshit in the Valley.”