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Articles tagged Google search (8)

“I think we need to be way more humble. As I often say, technology has value but it doesn’t have values. It’s what we do with it. There’s a lot of bullshit in the Valley.”
“We’re also exploring how Google’s machine learning capabilities can help publishers recognize potential subscribers and present the right offer to the right audience at the right time.”
Пака отмечает, что новый дизайн Google News больше ориентирован на усовершенствование пользовательского интерфейса.
“The destination has become a very hard place to protect.”
“Make the web great again,” Richard Gingras, Google’s head of news and social products, joked. (Or was it a joke?)
Including better support for paywalled sites, richer ad formats, and ways for publishers to direct readers elsewhere on their site from within an AMP article.