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If you ask New York Times reporters to spend less time on Twitter, will they? (Spoiler: yes)
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Articles tagged Italy (9)

Plus: Skepticism about this Biz Stone–backed fake-news-fighting startup may be warranted.
“When digital news outlets disappear, the holes in coverage show, and they can be huge.”
“We want to help newsrooms pull content in, which is exactly the opposite of what newsrooms have been doing: pushing content out.”
“We’re a news site so we need to cover these things, but there’s not a lot of money to do everything. So we thought, maybe we could help solve this by using one of the main resources we have — our readers.”
A survey across 10 countries find some things in common (Facebook’s everywhere) and some divergence (Finns dig Google Plus).
Protesting a proposed media-muzzling law, Italian Wikipedia goes dark. Megan Garber
May 17, 2010