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Articles tagged Jim Romenesko (8)

In Wisconsin, the state’s largest newspaper has committed itself to tough watchdog, investigative reporting. It’s led to journalistic success and respect from its audience.
When it comes to aggregation, right and wrong can come down to how it feels.
Plus: Journalists arrested at Occupy Wall Street, more fallout over Romenesko and attribution, Amazon’s Kindle Fire release, and the rest of the week’s future-of-news reads.
Plus: Reconciling digital journalism and institutions, a digital journalism pioneer retires, the search for a neutral way to tweet, and the rest of the week’s required reading. Mark Coddington
Plus: A dispute over how much emphasis to place on new media skills in journalism training, the debut of The Daily Dot, the death of the Fairness Doctrine, more News Corp. hubbub, and what rarity means in an age of information abundance. Mark Coddington
It’s not just newspaper employees who suffer when a newspaper dies, as is happening to MediaNews’ papers in the Bay Area. It’s a loss felt across the community.
December 11, 2009
April 15, 2009