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Articles tagged local (31)

“We see HBO going into the podcast business, but we should also look at HBO. We should be focusing on making shows that huge chunks of America will entertain themselves with.”
“We could use Sunday print to boost us into the stratosphere, to get us into a stable orbit where we can launch other things.”
In her new book, Abernathy examines the divide between metro papers and rural or ethnic papers as they deal with digital competition, ownership changes, and the search for new revenue. Justin Ellis
“This is all to say: I think the app or company that ‘solves’ local will probably be a parenting app. Not necessarily a ‘local’ app.”
The Denver Post building
The MediaNews paper is losing pages in its print edition, so it’s opting to put its own local journalism front and center.
Publisher Jake Dobkin said its traffic levels were low compared to the rest of the Gothamist sites and that the network’s largest cities perform best. Andrew Phelps
May 11, 2010