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Articles tagged Marshall McLuhan (9)

Jay Rosen argues that news evolved to tell people about important events that happened in places they weren’t. But time can create distance as powerfully as space can.
The NYU professor and scholar talks about his intellectual influences, how he thinks the press did in 2012, and how much of an audience there’ll be for civic-minded journalism. Joshua Benton
He had a lot to say about media, and maybe more to say in media.
How one Miami newspaperman found the media theorist’s ideas about the news: not particularly useful.
Plus the week’s required reading: a CJR takeout on Journal Register, Marshall McLuhan mania, Rosen and Carr debate, and Paul Ford on Facebook and narrative. Mark Coddington
The McLuhan manner was to appear anywhere he found interesting, which is to say all over the place, and that willingness was as influential as his ideas.
He can’t be reduced to a handful of pithy quotes, but McLuhan has something to say about our new world of frayed ends rather than neat endings.
September 15, 2010
March 3, 2009