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Articles tagged MIT Media Lab (28)

“It’s a great question because I don’t think we’re suddenly going to come up with some great gimmick and Millennials are going to flock to their TV to watch traditional newscasts.”
Трудно уследить за нарастающим потоком информации о новостной грамотности, фейковых новостях и контенте, искажающем правду в поддержку какой-либо идеи. Этот еженедельный обзор поможет вам не пропустить самое важное и интересное.
Plus: A new report on the many types of trolls, and what happens when fact and fiction get blended together.
Facebook, por supuesto, no está publicando datos.
The ideas include Melody Kramer’s Media Public project, which would reimagine routes to public media membership and community engagement.
Two MIT Media Labbers are developing a “context curation platform” that aims to explain what you need to know without taking you out of the reading experience. Liam Andrew
The director of the MIT Media Lab compares the worlds of media and tech, and says “When you’re sinking, you have two ways to go: You can bet the house on something, go all in, or you can try to become smaller and smaller until you disappear.”
A modular prototype aims to become a “Wolfram Alpha for government” by allowing developers to plug in their own APIs.
Those grants, and five others, come from Knight’s Prototype Fund, its quick-turn tool for funding the testing of new ideas.