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Articles tagged NPR Digital Services (10)

Plus: What new and returning shows to expect in the new year, Panoply launches an “imprint,” and a liberal podcast network tries to counterbalance conservative talk radio.
“This reflects the larger consumer trend that we see across all media, which is live consumption of any media, including television, shifting to on-demand, self-curated experiences.”
How can public radio make audio that breaks big on social media? A NPR experiment identified what makes a piece of audio go viral.
What happens to sharing when you break the most remarkable 30 seconds out of a 10-minute audio piece?
An NPR Digital Services analysis of news stories at public radio stations found that fun and serious stories were shared on Facebook at roughly the same rate.
NPR News
Some early innovation insights from “Big Bird’s Boss.” Megan Garber
June 23, 2011
April 6, 2011