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Articles tagged NYT Cooking (17)

“Food Only” turned out to be impossible.
“We wanted to be as useful as possible to people in as many different situations as possible.”
“It’s useful to us to see what people keep on their counters. Do they have their pots and pans hanging or tucked away? It’s a neat window into their lives.”
“My team believes that by investing in the subscribers we have and making the subscription experience better and better, we’ll be able to help all parts of the subscription business.”
“I think over the next five years, it’s possible the competitive landscape will actually get in some ways more attractive for The New York Times, because I’m afraid I see a lot of casualties over the next few years because of the economics of the industry.”
Will more than 2 percent of digital readers ever pay for news? “There is a whole universe living between ads and subscriptions.”
It’ll cost five bucks every four weeks, and it’s the latest step in the Times’ push toward a business more reliant on reader revenue.