Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Audience editors offer advice for “dispiriting” times in social and search
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Articles tagged Pablo Boczkowski (14)

“We believe that impeachment stories will likely feel increasingly personal, passionate, and irritating to people as the proceedings unfold. For some, this will draw them in, while others will likely turn off from the news.”
“Nostalgia provides reassurance and self-gratification, but it is also intellectually and socially stultifying. It is time to move on, make sense of the present by learning from history, not by clinging to it, in order to help shape more productive futures.”
“La nostalgia, tanto en el periodismo como en la academia, no es productiva; el presente está maduro para reflexionar sobre el pasado como una vía para imaginar nuevos futuros”.
“The stark contrast between editorial dynamics and electoral preferences might lead to two trends directly affecting the news media in the short-term future.”
“It certainly takes courage to speak — but it takes a different kind of courage to be silent, to listen, to trust, and speak when the time is right.”
“Rather than the public being eclipsed or forgotten, there are instead too many publics.” C.W. Anderson
Tablets get used at the times of day that used to be the domain of the morning and afternoon newspaper. Joshua Benton
June 15, 2011
April 6, 2011
March 11, 2011