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Articles tagged Press+ (27)

Developing reliable technology for digital pay models is more important than ever. But how many newspapers will choose to buy — instead of build — their own paywall?
Paywalls aren’t just for newspapers any more. As a Cincinnati station gets ready to start charging online, there’s a big potential opportunity for stations to move into the void left by shrinking newspapers.
The largest paywall provider in the United States is up for sale. What does the future hold as paywalls grow beyond being all-the-content firehoses?
It’s an add-on to paywalls: If you’re not willing to buy a digital subscription, perhaps you’ll be willing to just answer a question or two?
Could it be that investing in the newsroom isn’t just good for journalism — that it’s also good for the bottom line?
Paywalls are generating real money for American newspapers in 2013. But would they have in 2007, or 2002, or 1997? Ken Doctor
It’s a rare moment: Legacy media leading the way on digital strategy, and watching the web-only guys follow behind.
Newspapers are starting to figure out what separates the successful paywalls from the also-rans.
Advertising once paid the bills at American newspapers. As that shifts — rapidly — how will it change the way news companies operate?