Nieman Foundation at Harvard
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Articles tagged Project for Excellence in Journalism (23)

Plus: Instagram goes up against Vine in video, two illuminating new journalism studies, and the rest of the news from the past few weeks.
Plus: Google Reader and the future of free services, the Washington Post announces a paywall, and the rest of the week’s media and tech news.
Sports, weather, and traffic now fill 40 percent of local television news — while crime, politics, and government coverage are all down. Joshua Benton
Plus: Fox News raises questions of ethics in live coverage, the death of a journalism legend, and the rest of the week’s media and tech news.
Plus: A change in the New York Times’ pay plan, copyright problems for Pinterest, and the rest of this week’s media and tech news.
Plus: Good news and bad news for Apple, James Murdoch’s move at News Corp., the value of linking, and the rest of the week’s media and tech news.
The survey — built on private data and conversations with newspaper executives — shows an industry still clinging to print while moving to digital.
Plus: Where tech journalism is headed, the AP’s newest copyright battle, news sites’ advertising struggles, and the rest of this week’s media/tech news.
Plus: Journalists arrested at Occupy Wall Street, more fallout over Romenesko and attribution, Amazon’s Kindle Fire release, and the rest of the week’s future-of-news reads.
A new Pew study finds news outlets using Twitter almost exclusively for one-way distribution — of their own content. Megan Garber