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Articles tagged The Boston Globe (8)

“Our Chartbeat dial went past the maximum. It went all the way around again.”
It is increasingly the tech stack of choice for major news publishers. But now Arc wants to be the backbone of your digital advertising and subscriptions, too.
“It’s one of those things that a lot of us had gotten into our business to do: to have impact, to change the world, whether you worked for the opinion pages or the newsroom.”
An unsolved murder, lives of the presidents, the Iowa Caucuses, and more — all delivered in podcast format by reporters who are learning for the first time how to write to be heard, not to be read.
The Arizona State professor is working on a book project that also looks at journalists’ poor understanding of online security.
Those grants, and five others, come from Knight’s Prototype Fund, its quick-turn tool for funding the testing of new ideas.
HuffPost Live and RadioBDC launched on Monday, and both are counting on an engaged, workday audience.