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Articles tagged virtual reality (39)

The Digital R&D Lab, started five years ago as one employee’s passion project, serves as an internal incubator for ideas and plays host to digital projects carried out in partnership with non-Radio-Canada groups.
“The New York Times is not going to build a self-driving car, but if we see that technology as being inevitable, we should have a strategy for how The New York Times will fit into it.”
Adoção lenta de tecnologia está entre os motivos. Problemas com monetização também atrapalham. Além, é claro, de conteúdo maçante das reportagens.
“I’m afraid that more and more people in news organizations use 360 for stories that are not interesting. Bad content will keep people away from watching it.”
“In terms of mass distribution at this point, newspapers are the only ones that have the muscle.”
What’s unusual is not the concept of piloting ideas, but the fact that the BBC was willing to show the public projects in a half-baked state, glitches included.
With increasingly product-driven thinking, the Times’ Well is breaking out of the news cycle — through VR, evergreen newsletters, and how-to guides — in an attempt to connect more deeply with readers.
“The New York Times audience is full of voracious readers, not only of quality journalism but also of important works of fiction as well…We plan to offer more selected works of fiction in the future.”