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Articles tagged wire services (11)

For the first time ever, more online news sites produced Pulitzer finalists than newspapers did.
When Photoshopped royal PR meets journalistic standards, something’s got to break. (And for the record, that isn’t a real photo of Kate Middleton mixin’ pixels on an IBM PCjr.)
It’s the latest blow to national wire services around the world — the little-noticed backbone of much of the reporting seen across media.
There are more “digital options for coverage at the national level,” but coverage of the government’s impact on individual communities appears to be decreasing.
Ben Smith wants to increase the impact of breaking news and decrease the echo from redundant reporting. Justin Ellis
Plus: Journalists arrested at Occupy Wall Street, more fallout over Romenesko and attribution, Amazon’s Kindle Fire release, and the rest of the week’s future-of-news reads.
Reuters journos Felix Salmon and Ryan McCarthy create a “Buzzfeed for finance” that’s part of, and separate from, the newswire behemoth. Megan Garber urls will soon start appearing in AP copy whenever the cooperative picks up a story from one of its member news organizations, distributing credit and (maybe) traffic. Andrew Phelps
June 10, 2010
June 9, 2010