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Articles tagged YouTube (128)

Increasingly isolated, creators are moving to Russian platform alternatives like VK, Yandex Zen, and RuTube.
While it’s too early to tell if Parler is here to stay, it has already achieved a reputation and level of engagement that has overtaken other alternative platforms.
The Citizen Browser Project will pay 1,200 Americans to let The Markup monitor the choices that tech company algorithms are making for them. “What are they choosing to amplify? And what are they choosing not to amplify?”
A user with greater health literacy is more likely to discover usable medical advice from a reputed health care provider, such as the Mayo Clinic.
“We’re calling it the Splice Low-Res Festival, because it’s a quick and dirty idea and we all know video conferences can be pretty fuzzy…We’re doing this because it’s cheaper than therapy.”
One-fifth of the ads on climate misinformation videos were from Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund, or other green/environmental groups.
Plus: “Newsworthiness” and how politicians are fact-checked on Facebook, and the number of countries with political disinformation campaigns has more than doubled in the past two years.