Nieman Foundation at Harvard
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Archives: March 2022

Plus: On the ground with journalists in Mexico, the digital divide among investigative journalists, and how news organizations are using recommendations.
The news industry was quick to hire for diversity-focused roles after George Floyd’s murder in 2020 — but sustaining that change has proven slow and challenging.
“Military censorship in Russia has quickly moved into a new phase…the threat of criminal prosecution of both journalists and citizens who spread information about military hostilities that is different from the press releases of the Ministry of Defense.”
A survey in the U.S. found the public associates “storytellers” with liars and making things up. Probably not what you were going for with your Twitter bio.
At the time of its shutdown, TV Rain had at least 80,000 paying subscribers.
“Before we even had a website, we launched our texting service in both neighborhoods, and in both English and Spanish for West Dallas.”
But the numbers that suggest a huge international reach are also some of the easiest to manipulate.
The U.S. is “making this information public in a way that is unprecedented.”