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Articles by Sarah Darville

Sarah Darville is a former writer for the Nieman Journalism Lab. She was a 2013 Google Journalism Fellow. Sarah currently writes for Chalkbeat New York.
“I thought: Let’s get all the areas we want to keep people informed about, whether it’s food or finances or relationships, and let’s get the best people not only to write a short tip on the subject matter once a week, but also to answer questions from our subscribers.”
“This is what public journalism is saying: getting the connections right is the deeper challenge in journalism right now.”
“What was different was the spectacle of the whole public, not just a few, editing what was published. Also, the editor’s desk did not look the same when the reader sat at it.”
“Good enterprising reporting of ideas on basic issues can in many cases be as important as the reporting of action. The decisive point in many great events comes long before the event happens.”
“There are those in this dawn of the Buck Rogers era who maintain that the newspaper is on the way to join such institutions as the bustle and the five-cent beer.”
Okay, so this isn’t actually a list. But a new tool is aiming to lower the barriers for community participation in blogging with a little help from BuzzFeed’s format.
Public media invested significant resources into building Local Journalism Centers that could unite multiple stations in reporting on the same topic. The results have been a mixed bag.
By convincing readers to act as distributors, Works That Work’s print edition is helping the magazine gain global readers and engage others closer to home.
The idea of a once-a-day summary of news has obvious appeal for people overwhelmed by streams and feeds. But you’ve also got to get that summary in front of readers.
Brazilians and Americans like to talk about the news online, apparently. Germans and Brits keep to themselves.