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Articles tagged free speech (15)

“Diversity without support for marginalized journalists and their free speech is a hollow victory.” James Salanga
A body of research shows that stronger, not weaker, moderation of the information ecosystem is what’s needed to combat harmful misinformation.
“What we can say from prior research is that these sorts of laws do, in fact, chill a broad range of public communication, and that is where the problem lies.”
“Part of the reason we took this case on is that we have seen reports from across the country of public officials blocking their constituents on Twitter or Facebook.”
Vigorous linking as an antidote to newspaper failure, who gets crowdfunded, and skepticism around the standard narrative of the Arab Spring: all that and more in this month’s roundup of the academic literature.
“Even staunch free speech advocates recognize that these mugshot companies are, at the very least, distasteful. But, of course, the First Amendment does not allow the government to regulate content simply because it is distasteful.”
Plus: The struggle over control of the debates, Circa and the future of the news article, and the rest of this week’s media and tech news.
Plus: Ideas for innovation in j-schools, Newsweek’s “Muslim Rage” backlash, and the rest of the week’s news in media and tech.