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Articles tagged Henry Blodget (9)

“We are working in a medium, along with all of the other digital folks, in which you can tell stories in four different ways: words, pictures, video, audio. All of those will continue to grow for the next several decades. It’s not either/or.”
As the news site looks to subscription possibilities, BI Intelligence, the “little startup within a startup,” has collected about 5,000 paying subscribers and is eyeing opportunities outside the U.S.
Business Insider Deutschland, one of eight other BI editions outside the U.S. and a growing part of the BI “international newsroom,” is doubling its staff and expanding original coverage.
Plus: Katie Couric’s jump to Yahoo, Lara Logan’s leave from 60 Minutes, and the rest of the stories in journalism and tech.
Everybody’s making moves this month. Together, they tell us about what news will look like in 2014.
Plus: The debate on aggregation do’s and don’ts, the state of media reporting, and the rest of the week’s news.
December 18, 2008