The iPad-announcement liveblog at tech side gdgt is sponsored by, a service that lets you…buys old iPads. Like those that belong to people who read liveblogs about new iPads. Smart!
Benton, Joshua. "Brilliance in targeted advertising." Nieman Journalism Lab. Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard, 7 Mar. 2012. Web. 16 Jan. 2025.
Benton, J. (2012, Mar. 7). Brilliance in targeted advertising. Nieman Journalism Lab. Retrieved January 16, 2025, from
Benton, Joshua. "Brilliance in targeted advertising." Nieman Journalism Lab. Last modified March 7, 2012. Accessed January 16, 2025.
{{cite web
| url =
| title = Brilliance in targeted advertising
| last = Benton
| first = Joshua
| work = [[Nieman Journalism Lab]]
| date = 7 March 2012
| accessdate = 16 January 2025
| ref = {{harvid|Benton|2012}}
The Conversation is trying to make its academia-fueled model work for local news
“I get the challenges small startups face trying to fill this void of local news. So this is our little attempt to support them in our Conversation way.”
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