Beet.TV has an interview with the BBC Worldwide’s vice president for strategy and sales Tom Bowman about how the news goliath is thinking about native advertising — an idea both old and new that’ll be at the center of online advertising discussions in 2014. (BBC Worldwide is the commercial arm of the BBC that oversees how its content gets distributed outside the U.K.; it’s ad-free inside the country.) A couple standout quotes in here:
It’s not really a question of whether you should do it or not. It’s rather more a question of how you do it.
And indeed, this has operated in print for many a long year. I mean, It’s actually nothing new, really — it’s just been rebranded and made a bit of a comeback. It’s true! If you look at the International Herald Tribune, for instance, you can get “This article brought to you in association with” has been running for donkey’s years.
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