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Jan. 5, 2022, 12:02 p.m.
Aggregation & Discovery
LINK:  ➚   |   Posted by: Shraddha Chakradhar   |   January 5, 2022

Loyal readers of Longform, the nonfiction podcast and website dedicated to curating and recommending nonfiction articles, learned Wednesday that the article-recommendation component is no longer. This was the message posted on its website:

Readers, is shutting down its article recommendations service. (The Longform Podcast will continue to publish new episodes weekly.)

We started the site in April 2010 on a whim. Since then, we have recommended more than 10,000 pieces of nonfiction. It has been immensely gratifying to watch millions of readers enjoying the work of our favorite writers.

Thank you to’s contributing editors, its supporters, and the publications, writers, and readers who made it all possible. We will miss you.

— Max Linsky & Aaron Lammer, founders

A similar note was also pinned to its Twitter profile:

Almost immediately, the outpouring of love began — from distraught readers, writers hoping to one day be featured on the website, and everyone in between:

And as the original message and tweet indicated, Longform still plans to produce its popular podcast, which became a part of the Vox Media Podcast Network in August 2021. As we reported back then, the co-founders of Longform, Aaron Lammer and Max Linsky, stayed on as producers of the podcast, but sales, marketing and distribution of the podcast became the responsibility of Vox.

Linsky and Lammer didn’t say much to elaborate on today’s news. Linsky tweeted:

Lammer, on the other hand, offered a teeny bit more insight, telling one reader that there were reasons like paywalls that influenced the decision to shutter:

When asked for further comment, Lammer said, “I think we’ll just let the letter speak for itself. We’ve always tried to highlight the writers, and I don’t think it really makes sense to make the shutdown about us.”

In any case, fans of Longform can take heart knowing that the archive, at least, will live on.

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